Where Have I Been??
Since the end of September I have been running what feels like a small sweatshop here in our home.
Let me start over.
At the end of September I participated in the always fabulous Etsy Show at Sandhill Winery. I had such a great time meeting new faces, welcoming familiar faces and reconnecting with the Etsy community here in the Okanagan. It was so packed the first few hours that at times people couldn't even stop at the tables! When the show was done, I packed up and re-evaluated my Market Plan and Strategy. Wow, that sounded professional didn't it? Really it's just me scribbling out display ideas, writing down what worked and what didn't and creating lists of what I want to accomplish at the next one. I keep track of what sells and how many people attend the show and this helps me to prepare how many paintings, prints, cards, etc I should bring to the next show.
The Next Show.
I'm going to lump all three of the Next Shows into one big preparation and when I sat down that day after the Etsy Show it scared me. I had three big shows over three weeks with the Winter/Christmas Markets and I had to start getting ready right there and then. I had just over two months to paint, print, and make. I LOVE the Kelowna Okanagan Markets. They are my home and this year I decided to take a step out and apply for Make It Vancouver where I was accepted. YAY! Here's what scared me a little (ok a lot). Our Okanagan shows attract somewhere between 4000-7000 people and I'm comfortable with that. I'm excited. Make It Vancouver attracts between 30,000-40,000. OMG
My mind started spinning, how am I going to prepare? How many prints, cards, paintings, notebooks, colouring books (you see where I'm going) am I going to have to make?! Going back to my calculations A LOT.
I talked it all out with Carl (the husband) and we set up a plan to get this done. Since the end of September we have been making, painting and building......because of course I wanted to change up my whole display at the same time too. Every night after the kids go to bed the printer is running, I'm at the easel painting and Carl is binding colouring books, stuffing card and print envelopes, slicing paper and pouring me a big glass of wine. So that is what I have been up to. I've been trying to stay in touch through my Facebook page and Instagram and please forgive my absence on my blog.
I would post photos of my preparations but seriously my house is a gong show. There are prints pilled on desks and tables, boxes piled next to the TV and my display is set up in my living room taking over almost half of the room. Instead here's a photo of me at my easel.
I've also been working on a collection of original paintings that I haven't shared yet. These are smaller paintings ranging from 4" x 6" to 10" x 20" and priced from $40 - $200. I have approx 16 of them. Perfect for an original Christmas gift for a loved one or yourself! If you're interested and can't make it to the markets send me at email at leannespanza@gmail.com
We are now one week away from my first show. Bottega is November 28th and 29th, Make It Vancouver is December 3rd-6th and Craft Culture Kelowna is December 12th & 13th. If you're in the area come visit me and the others artists and crafters. Shop local and support handmade. We put a TON of work and love into our art and are thrilled to share it with you.
A coffee would be great too.
I would LOVE to hear from you. Do you shop at these kind of markets and craft shows? Do you have a favourite Market you attend every year? I'm always trying to plan for next year and search out shows that would be a good fit for me and my art, if you have any suggestions I would appreciate it.
For more info on these events please check out my event page and I hope to see you there.
Thank you so much
xo Leanne