Getting Organized

Sometimes it's better to write things down on paper and have it in front of you 

After I got my phone I started looking through all of those apps you can get that would help me organize both myself and my art. I found a few that I like but after awhile my interest would fade a little. Then I found The DreamJob Shop right as they launched the Dream Job Business Planner. After watching the video (yes! a video on the planner which I watched twice I was that excited) I let out a little scream of excitement (my husband laughed) and ordered it right away. 


I've had it since mid April and I carry it everywhere. From Goal Setting to Monthly and Weekly Calendars, Marketing Plans and Income Tracking and between every page are fun note sheets, grids and blank pages for all your ideas.

SO today's post is about their 30 Day Business Organization Challenge and it relates beautifully to the planner. The challenge is FREE (what?!) and every Sunday I'm sent a list of what to focus on each day. I'm just completing the end of the first week and this week we are focusing on the ......


What does that mean? I've been focusing on things like 

  • Goal setting
  • Things in my life and business that are and aren't working and my values 
  • My Business Core 
  • Good and bad habits
  • Past accomplishments and mistakes

Above are my Big Goals. As I'm leading up to my third year of being a full time artist I'm really happy. These past few years have gone by so fast and most of the time I feel like I'm just flying through. It feels so good to write everything down, I don't lie in bed late at night thinking about what I have to do the next day, week or month. Everything is in one place (ok except for my sketchbook) and I can look back on what worked and what didn't. I also use it as a bit of a journal, keeping track of family schedules and a place for loose photos and the one below. This is a sketch up of what I would LOVE my booth to look like during the Christmas Markets. I also found this old photo of me and my bestie Morgan in Grade 11 Photography. Amazing props, Joni asked what was that spiral thing I was holding in my hand and I really think the tinsel necklace could be a thing.... 


 Ok back on track....

The question that surprisingly hit me the hardest was this

It makes it all seem really real. I started thinking about when I'm 50 and 75 and beyond, what will Joni and Jack say about my art? What will others say about my art? Why have people chosen to have my art in their homes?

My answer to the question is this: I create art that makes me happy. I hope that all of you wonderful people out there that have a piece of my art on your wall smile when you walk by it. That it makes you happy. I believe that it's important to fill your home with things that have stories, that you're connected to and that make you feel good. That's what I want my business to stand for.

 SO my question for you out there is this. 

Do you ever take a step back, think about the big picture and write it all down? Whether you're an artist, entrepreneur, stay at home parent or working for a large company, is it important and is it something that is just sitting on your To Do list? ( took me three years to start doing this) 

I would love to hear your thoughts on these questions and this post below.

For more info on the 30 Day Challenge please visit